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50-54 2-inch drop Triple-Trees Harley Dyna/FXR style frames (blemish)

50-54 2-inch drop Triple-Trees Harley Dyna/FXR style frames (blemish)

Regular price $599.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $599.00 USD
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Attention: Products in that category have minor imperfections of the finishing (e.g. small scratches or barely visible dents). Many of those imperfections are on the under side and won't be obvious once installed on your bike. Items are fully functional - see sample pictures of products with typical minor blemishes - stock pictures, shipped item may vary. Those products are excluded from exchange or return unless there is an issue with the functionality of the product itself.

GeezerEngineering 50-54 2-inch drop Triple-Trees for Dyna/FXR style frames with minor blemishes
Attention: Not compatible with ABS brakes!

Unleash the full performance potential of your Harley!

Fast cornering! Superior quality at a very competitive price!


  • We have designed triple trees that can be used with 50-54 inverted forks from metric sport bikes like GSXR 1000 (not included). Zero-degree rake and stock offset.
  • Recommended length of the fork legs is no less than 29-inch to achieve at least 31-inch effective fork length.
  • Superior handling for just around town or canyon carving, track days and racing.
  • Fork leg spacing is set to GSXR 1000 width center on center fork legs so wheels and brake rotors etc. can transfer over. Check compatible rotor sizes (i.e. many late GSXR 1000 models require rotors with 320mm diameter or larger).
  • Fork stop on frame neck and other components may need minor modifications.
  • Not compatible with headlights mounted on OEM top triple tree.
  • Aluminum parts have been machined from 6061-T6. Hard anodized for a smooth, tech looking finish and best UV stability to prevent discoloration of exposed parts.
  • The 1-inch neck stem has been machined from 4140 steel and plated for superior strength and corrosion protection; Hardware set is made of 304 stainless steel.
  • Ample clamping area to provide maximum strength.
  • Our Triple-Tree Kit was designed in the USA. All our products undergo a secondary domestic quality control process before they are shipped.

Note: This item requires the 22mm Riser Bolt & Bushing Kit Hardware, which you can find also in our store.


  • Upper Tree
  • Lower Tree
  • Stainless steel hardware set

On motorcycles that are set up level; suspension sag/preload settings, changes of front/rear ride height and wheel/tire diameters change trail!

Limited stock!

Note: Triple-Trees may show marks on the inside of the trees due to the anodization process.

The following model designations for Harley-Davidson motorcycles are used for reference only: FL, FLH, FLHR, FLHRCI, FLHS, FLHT, FLHTC, FLHTC Ultra Classic, FLHTC-I, FLHTCUI, FLHX, FLT, FLTC, FLTC Ultra Classic, FLTCU, FLHTCUSE, FLTR, FLTRI, FLTRSEI, FLHXS, FLHXSEI, FLHRC, FLHRS, ELECTRA GLIDE, ROAD GLIDE, STREET GLIDE, ROAD KING, FLST, FLSTC, FLSTF, FLSTN, FLSTS, FLSTSC/I, FX, FXB, FXD, FXDB, FXDC, FXDG, FXDL, FXDS-CON, FXDWG, FXDX, FXDXT, FXE, FXEF, FXLR, FXR, FXRC, FXRD, FXRDG, FXRP, FXRS, FXRS-CON, FXRSE, FXRS-SP, FXRT, FXS, FXSB, FXST, FXSTB, FXSTC, FXSTD, FXSTD-I, FXSTS, FXSTSB, FXWG, GE, K, KH, VROD, VRSCA, VRSCB, WL, WLA, XL, XL1100, XL1200, XL1200C, XL1200R, XL1200S, XL883, XL883C, XL883R, XLCH, XLCR, XLH, XLH1100, XLH1200, XLH1200, XLH1200S, XLH883, XLR, XLS, XLS, XLT, XLX, XLX, XR1000, Sportster, Softail, Heritage, Springer, Dyna Glide, Wide Glide, Street Rod, Softail Deluxe, CVO, Screamin Eagle, Enforcer